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Competitive Enterprise Institute

The Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) is widely recognized as a leading and effective advocate for freedom on a wide range of critical economic and regulatory policy issues. CEI’s research and analysis are cited thousands of times in major media outlets, relied upon by scholars and advocates, and used by members of Congress, executive branch officials, and other federal and state policymakers as the basis for reform actions and proposals. CEI’s work provides policymakers with user-friendly data and analysis, as well as concrete, actionable reform proposals.

Visit the Competitive Enterprise Institute here.

Additional resources:

  1. Antitrust, Explained (VIDEO)
  2. Web Memo: How Antitrust Regulation Hinders Innovation and Competition

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Global Antitrust Institute

The Global Antitrust Institute (GAI) at Antonin Scalia Law School, George Mason University was created to promote the application of sound economic analysis to competition enforcement around the world by providing economic education to judges and competition enforcers from around the world in their Economics Institutes, sharing their legal and economic expertise by submitting written comments to regulators through their Competition Advocacy Program, facilitating debate and discussion of contemporary competition policy issues with events, and hosting visiting scholars from around the world.

Visit the Global Antitrust Institute here.

Additional resources:

  1. Background Materials and Antitrust Basics
  2. Report on the Digital Economy
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International Center for Law & Economics

The International Center for Law & Economics (ICLE) antitrust and consumer protection research agenda emphasizes an empirical, evidence-based approach, informed by a decision theory (“error cost”) mode of analysis. ICLE scholars evaluate the social costs and benefits of proposed interventions, focusing in particular on how institutions affect the appropriateness and the effectiveness of antitrust enforcement.

Visit the International Center for Law & Economics here.

Additional resources:

  1. Consumer Welfare & the Rule of Law: The Case Against the New Populist Antitrust Movement
  2. ICLE tl;dr: The Consumer Welfare Standard: Bringing Objectivity to Antitrust
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Alliance on Antitrust

About the Alliance on Antitrust

The Alliance on Antitrustwas established to address the increasing calls to move away from the consumer welfare standard and to use antitrust as a political tool. We believe that weaponizing antitrust for broader socioeconomic purposes would fundamentally alter the primary goal of antitrust law, upend more than a century of legal and economic learning and progress, and undermine the rule of law. 

Antitrust law does not exist in a historical vacuum. The need to bring coherency to antitrust law through a neutral underlying principle is precisely what led to the consumer welfare standard. It is critical to understand how we got to where we are today, and to distinguish between the proper and improper uses of these laws. The Alliance on Antitrust seeks to foster a greater understanding of the issues and arguments at the core of the antitrust debate.

Visit the Alliance on Antitrust website here.

Additional resources:

  1. Antitrust Populism and the Rule of Law (VIDEO)
  2. A Modern Antitrust Paradox? The Consumer Welfare Standard and Recent Proposals (VIDEO)